SERVICE DETAILS: is proud to present “Feedback”, a valuable song-critiquing service designed to provide a unique, thorough, and objective evaluation of your song from an industry standpoint.We know that writing and recording a song can be a very personal and emotional experience, but once you release it to the public, your song is being evaluated everyday by your audience and the industry alike for opportunities both known and unknown to you. Whether you are able to cash in on those opportunities, or have them pass you by, is largely determined by the quality of the product you present to a very competitive marketplace.
Who is coaching you through your artistic and technical process?
Who do you trust to be objective and offer positive, constructive criticism?
With Feedback, we aim to help you maximize your potential and fill in the gaps when you don’t have seasoned management, studio producers, high-end engineers, a label or publishing A&R’s on tap to guide your artistic process.
If you have submitted a song to a placement opportunity in the past, you are already aware of the pride we take in our policy of not only letting you know whether or not your song was accepted, but if it was rejected, why was that decision made. What makes Feedback different from those responses is that we are evaluating the song purely on it's own merits, not just in relation to a particular opportunity.
How It Works:
You will receive a completed Feedback evaluation form within 72 hours of your submission.This is not only a valuable resource from which to learn, but quotes from here can be used in your promotional materials as well (bio, press kit, etc.).
Your song will be evaluated with the following four categories of criteria in mind:
• Performances: (Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals, Musicianship)
• Songwriting: (Structure, Arrangement, Hook, Lyrics)
• Recording: (Production, Mix, Master)
• Commercial Appeal (How well your song will appeal to it's intended audience)
Note: As an added bonus, if we feel the song is strong enough and fits a particular opportunity, we will pitch it to our clients at absolutely no additional charge to you.
While a critique is, at it's core, only one person’s opinion, in our case that opinion is an informed and professional one from the side of a label and publishing company here to serve the independent community.
It’s time to “Be Heard.”
SUBMISSION FEE: $175.00 per song
STEP #1: Select a Payment Method below and complete your payment.
STEP #2: You will be forwarded to our Submission Form. Fill it out and click "Submit Music".
STEP #3: You will receive a confirmation email with details on your submission.